Sexual Health Q&A

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31 | Female

I have exposure 1 year ago is it conclusive result if i check with this test? I am afraid. I want to check but want my identity be confidential.


Hi there, normally a Third Generation rapid test kit will be able to detect the antibody in the window period of 90 days. For your case, if you tested negative after 1 year of exposure, it’s almost 99% conclusive that your result is negative. Hope it helps with your doubt. Thanks!

MyScreening Health Team



19 | Female

I've been kiss my 2 ex in lips..but it's Not deep or long... just kiss and take.. their saliva didn't stick..just kissed with dry is that I got infected by STD? recently I kissed my deep kiss with my boyfriend...and now he worried about my past and that I got infected by STD test.. could u help me


Hi there, first of all kissing is normally considered as low-risk activity for transmission of STD. But there're still some STD virus can be transmitted through kissing (especially exchange of saliva) like Herpes and HPV. Normally we called it cold sore which you will experience blisters, itchiness at the side of your lips. If you or your partner experience it, can go to any nearby pharmacy to look for cream to apply. Hope it helps!


MyScreening Team


23 | Male

How can a person acquire hiv?


Hi there, HIV is normally acquired when a person is exposed to HIV positive partner through sexual activity, sharing of needles or syringes.


MyScreening Team


25 | Male

.After 101 days , can the test kit result be conclusive if shown negative ? Can stop testing ? Are 90 days the longest window period ? 2.Can Wondfo 3rd Gen detect all the groups and subtypes of HIV-1 & HIV-2 ? Example Group M,N,O,P and subtypes of group M - A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K.Will it miss any infection due to different mutation/ groups / subtypes ? Please answer


Hi there, thank you for your questions. 1. Yes, technically after 101 days if the test kits show negative, it's likely that you don't have HIV. According to FDA guideline, antibody tests (like Wondfo 3rd Gen) can take 23 to 90 days to detect HIV infection after an exposure because the body takes time to produce antibodies. 2. Wondfo 3rd Gen can detect 9 subtypes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and O, including Group O, subtype A, subtype A1, subtype B, subtype C, subtype D, subtype F1, subtype F2, subtype H, subtype J, subtype K, subtype G, CRF01-AE, CRF02_AG, CRF06_cpx, CRF36_cpx and CRF02-AG. There's still a possibility of missing any infection due to other mutations, the Wondfo 3rd Gen is a HIV test kit for screening purposes and to detect the more common and popular HIV mutation/groups/subtypes.


MyScreening Team


34 | Male

Online check up available


Hi there, we offer HIV self test kit which you can purchase online and we will deliver to you. We also offer HIV profile blood test which you can make an appointment with us, we will send a bleeder to your place to collect your blood and urine, then send the sample back to lab for processing. Thanks!


MyScreening Team


21 | Male

Hi saya nak tanya untuk hiv test kit ni baru tempoh dia boleh detect hiv di dalam badan kita ?


HIV Rapid Test Kit ini boleh detect HIV virus dalam tempoh (window period) 18 hari ke 90 hari selepas exposure kepada HIV.


MyScreening Team


39 | Male

May I know your self test kit is which generations?


Wondfo Rapid One Step HIV1/2 Test is a 3rd generation HIV immunoassay kit.


MyScreening Team